Monday, April 4, 2011

10 reasons why I love Africa

Reason #1:  landscape diversity

Reason #2:  cliff-side Pygmy dwellings

Reason #3:  bucket showers - best while taken under the light of the moon

Reason #4:  simple meals

Reason #5:  sleeping under the stars, in an ideal climate

Reason #6:  the children

Reason #7:  artisan skills

Reason #8:  textile colors

Reason #9:  the self reliance, resourcefulness, and ingenuity of the people

Reason #10: mud huts

... and that was just Dogon Country.


paginas web said...

africa is naturally beautiful... i too love the culture, nature... although i have never been there by the people and the environment make me to go there for alteast 1 time.....

Chad & Bonny Day said...

What was the stuff over the rice?

claireb said...

It's a tomato sauce with chicken... and was good!